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Pūkorokoro-Miranda Shorebird Centre Guided Tours

The Pūkorokoro-Miranda Shorebird Centre is an information and education centre on the shores of the Tīkapa Moana / Firth of Thames. The Centre is owned and operated by the Pūkorokoro Miranda Naturalists’ Trust, a registered charity, and their aim is to raise public awareness of coastal ecology and advocate for shorebirds and conservation of their habitats.

The Robert Findlay Wildlife Reserve is a designated Ramsar wetland, an internationally significant site for endemic and migrating shorebirds, and part of the East Asian-Australasian Flyway Site Network. A critical place for the conservation of shorebirds.

In December 2023 they launched a Guided Tour of the Reserve. This space has always been available for anyone to use, visit and learn in but they also wanted to provide an opportunity to share almost 50 years experience of the Trust. To look behind what we see in the expansive views and swirling flocks of shorebirds and understand how the entire system works together and how we can protect it.


Photo credit: Pūkorokoro-Miranda Shorebird Centre - Birdwatching


Guided Tours

Join their knowledgeable guide on a captivating journey along the unique Shorebird Coast.

You will peer into the often-overlooked ecosystem within an estuary and gaze across the geology that has created this sanctuary. You’ll be  introduced to the world of the manu/shorebirds that live in these areas, their incredible migrations and the challenges they face.

Whether you're a bird enthusiast, nature lover, or passionate about conservation, the tour promises a memorable and educational experience in the heart of one of New Zealand's coastal ecosystems.



●   Use a telescope to see thousands of shorebirds in their natural habitat

●   Explore an internationally significant wetland

●   Learn about the incredible migration of the kuaka

●   Support an organisation committed to conservation

●   ‘Keep the birds coming’


Photo credit: Pūkorokoro-Miranda Shorebird Centre - Flock on the shell bank



90-minute guided tour

Adults - $50.00

Children (5-16 years) - $30.00

Children (under 5 years) - FREE


The centre is currently offering two tours per week, starting at either 10.00am or 1.00pm, based around the high tide, when shorebirds visit the area to roost and rest. You can view the tour schedule and book online here:

It is always a good time of year to visit, there will always be thousands of birds every day, and each season has something unique and different to offer.

In winter you will find thousands of New Zealand migrants like Ngutu Parore Wrybill and Tōrea South Island Pied Oystercatchers and there are still hundreds of Kuaka Bar-tailed Godwits and Huahou Red Knots which won’t migrate to the arctic, around 10% of their population stay.

Did you know the Wrybill is endemic to Aotearoa? They are only found in New Zealand, and we have over 40% of the entire population here for the winter. Their stunning murmuration’s should not be missed!


Photo credit: Pūkorokoro-Miranda Shorebird Centre - Godwits in flight


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